Sunday, February 20, 2011


I havent got on in soo long , sooo update.
  • Its a new semester my classed are math, algerbra 2 part 1Government , english , and GYM :/ Worst schedule everrrbut the good thing is that i passed fisrt semester on honor roll + second semester is flying by!
  • Me and Kyle are still together almost 4 months (: and and and he might be coming here for spring break , right now is a really good time for us were doing better then ever , we havent fought in the lonngest time <3
  • Im on a diet it kind of suck but i want to just get it over with imm fat ! lol i started the diet at 133 soo ill keep ya updated on that
  • Im learning to surf this summer! i super dang excited!
& that pretty much it :p