Saturday, January 8, 2011

Todays watching : Princess and the Frog

Watching this right now , ive wanted to see this since it was in theaters!
ill tell you how it goes (
What i thought:
Ofcourse considering how much i love princess'es i loved it :)
It was so cute , and it was different from most disney movies
But my favorite part in all princess movies stayed the same
 The happy ending :)
If your a girlly girly like me fer sure see!(:


Friday, January 7, 2011

Look what mommy got me:)

When momma got home from work she gave me these(:
The silver is called Ladies Choir? lolol
& The green is called Miles Away haha
I have the silver on now i love it !

Todays Outfit (:

that shirt it all bows (:
My bow hairclip (:
My flats , with a bow (:

Todays Makeup

My make up match my out fit ill post that later :p

My Brush, Eye shadow , Eye liner , Face Clenser
Wet your face haha :p

Only use a little clenser
Rub on your face for 30 seconds , then wash off
Apply eyeliner :p
Eye shadow :)

Put on mascara , Then done (:

Sunday, January 2, 2011


  Grammys House

The circle is me in 2nd grade :p Grammys christmas tree (:

Grammy Herself :p

Me & Chase(:

Everyone (:

Me Today :)

Uno , My uncle said i look asian :p
Dos,Full outfit

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Todays Food (:


                                           Auntie Ginas Punkin Dip With Ginger Snaps

Swiss Fudge Cookies

Todays watching : The Lightning Theif

Didnt get to watch this last night so today when company leaves ill be watching this ,
i think this guy is a cutie :p  ill fill you in on  if its good :)

What i thought :
I thought this movie was really good ! I think logan lerman is so cute , and this is the only movie ive ever seen him, i dont even know if he is in any other movies ? lol but i think he did a really good job , i  loved it , there wasnt a single boring moment and its not very predictable at all , i deffintly reccomend it (:

Today , New Years !

           Happy New Years 2011
Didnt go to sleep until six last night ! Or techniqule this morning , thats what happpens when you and your boyfriend have a three hour time difference , you stay up alot later then  you should , and get headaches everyday , but its soo worth it , to me talking to him is the best part of the day , night , morning whenever it is. Anyways plans for today , are not much grannys coming over for new years lunch and i might head to allies after that , got to get out of this house! Im about to get my money for janurary im sure ill be buying some cute things , and ofc post the  pictures (: