Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wanttiess (:

Friday, February 25, 2011

I really like these looks;

absolutely loove the skirt
& i just have a thing for bows

this outfit is really different and edgy
i love the simple tee with the more dressed up skirt

Nylon , March 2011

I Got the March 2011 Nylon today (:
this is myyy favorite magizine
theres so many great articles
andd alot about fashion and beauty
Kate Bosworth is on the cover
she is so beautiful!
i reallly am jealous of her hair : I

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Todays Outfit;

  • Green Shirt , Charlotte Russe
  • Brown Kortiroe Skirt, Roxy
  • Sand uggs

New Necklace , Pacsun

Braclet set , Pacsun

My Love;

So me and kylee have been doing really good , every things been working out pretty well . the past two  nights weve had really good conversations , then were both crying then we have phone sex ? its weird i admitt but besides the crying , its really injoyable :p Anyways i love him alot and im pretty sure spring break will beeee amazinng , not that i wont tell every detaill:p

Monday, February 21, 2011


So today i got two books
  • Sick Love
  • & Liar

i also got a green book light

Right now im reading "skinny"
Its a really good book about a two sister one is anorexic and one believe she see's her dead father, it sounds kind of crazy and random but its really good if your into that kind of stuff

Just go with it 
this movie wass soo good!
i deffintly recomend
it had me laughing sooo hard!
it even had guy humor , ya know the those nasty jokes :p
if you wanna go to the movies with you man see this!
 he'll like it to i promise (:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Plans for tomorrow :)

So tommorow , Mama and i are going to the movie to see just go with it i think it look really good i kinda have it predicted in my head what gonna happen i think he is gonna end up fallin for jenifer haha ill tell you if im right , I also have 45 dollars to barnes and noble that i got for christmas that i havent used yet sooo im going to get a couple new books ill show you which ones i get tommorow :)


I havent got on in soo long , sooo update.
  • Its a new semester my classed are math, algerbra 2 part 1Government , english , and GYM :/ Worst schedule everrrbut the good thing is that i passed fisrt semester on honor roll + second semester is flying by!
  • Me and Kyle are still together almost 4 months (: and and and he might be coming here for spring break , right now is a really good time for us were doing better then ever , we havent fought in the lonngest time <3
  • Im on a diet it kind of suck but i want to just get it over with imm fat ! lol i started the diet at 133 soo ill keep ya updated on that
  • Im learning to surf this summer! i super dang excited!
& that pretty much it :p

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Todays watching : Princess and the Frog

Watching this right now , ive wanted to see this since it was in theaters!
ill tell you how it goes (
What i thought:
Ofcourse considering how much i love princess'es i loved it :)
It was so cute , and it was different from most disney movies
But my favorite part in all princess movies stayed the same
 The happy ending :)
If your a girlly girly like me fer sure see!(:


Friday, January 7, 2011

Look what mommy got me:)

When momma got home from work she gave me these(:
The silver is called Ladies Choir? lolol
& The green is called Miles Away haha
I have the silver on now i love it !

Todays Outfit (:

that shirt it all bows (:
My bow hairclip (:
My flats , with a bow (:

Todays Makeup

My make up match my out fit ill post that later :p

My Brush, Eye shadow , Eye liner , Face Clenser
Wet your face haha :p

Only use a little clenser
Rub on your face for 30 seconds , then wash off
Apply eyeliner :p
Eye shadow :)

Put on mascara , Then done (:

Sunday, January 2, 2011


  Grammys House

The circle is me in 2nd grade :p Grammys christmas tree (:

Grammy Herself :p

Me & Chase(:

Everyone (: